Saturday, September 11, 2021

Beautiful Siena

On we go. Today was a day of extremes; there were some beautiful woodland trails with shade and smooth walking, some quiet lanes of crushed limestone and then some segments along a busy road with no shoulder and cars zooming by. We were rewarded with a prize at the end of today’s walk as we arrived in the beautiful city of Siena. It is a gift of visual stimulation. Unfortunately, a few new blisters on my feet made the last few miles a little uncomfortable so I wanted to enjoy the view sitting down.

The streets were crowded with weekend visitors but that didn’t take away from the grandeur of the buildings and the design of this city. The Duomo (cathedral) took 150 years to be built and was finished in 1348. The mosaic floors are an artistic treasure and many areas are roped off to preserve the floor and allows them to be viewed as thousands tour the cathedral. 

We got our Pilgrim stamps on our Via credential and enjoyed our walk around the “centro storico”, the historic center of town. After checking in our hotel, we enjoyed a visit to the laundromat right across the street. From the exciting to the mundane.

Today’s mileage - 12 miles + 2 miles walking in Siena.

Wide open farmland with dirt paths for the hikers.


It is 20 degrees cooler in the woods. 

Walking on the road is nerve-wracking but thankfully most of the Via is away from vehicle traffic.

Cosetta and Sergio from Milan, Italy are also on their way to Rome.

The Siena Cathedral

Very distinct marble in black and white, which are the symbolic colors of Siena.

Striking mosaic floor designs throughout the Duomo.

Tending to the details to life on the road.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Jeanne. I was away for a few days and I got behind on your blog. Just catching up now.I am so happy for you and this wonderful trip. I love your advice to people to slow down, pick a place and stay there for while. Truly, there is no better way to travel. I feel my adrenaline start to pump while I read about all the small villages and wonderful places you have been walking through. I want to go back to Italy so bad!!
    I have a personal (although important) question. Where do you go to the bathroom? I know as a walker, it's partially psychological that if I know there is a bathroom ahead, I am fine. But if I don't know where the next one is...I will feel like I have to go!! Your pictures are fabulous but they show how remote the areas are where you are walking. And my other question...what kind of hiking boots do you have? And how can you get blisters when they are already broken in? My feet hurt for you after your day of getting some blisters! Also, are you using your phone or do you have a small camera? So many questions. I don't have to tell you to enjoy your trip since you are already doing just that. Keep on writing and soaking it all in! I am right there with you!
    Mary Breiner
